The application that alerts your friends and family

The emergency application that allows you to send or receive geolocated alerts and report an incident

Since 2014, ICE GeoAlert alerts your close family or your friends and geolocates you

The ICE device receive your alert and then immediately and automatically forwards it to your contacts by a notification with an alert sound on their smartphone, and by mail.

ICE GeoAlert lets you immediately inform your contacts (who must first accept your invitation) of your emergency situation.

ICE GeoAlert provides :

App screen

•   A web application so that you can register, set your profile, invite your person to contact in case of emergency, or else mention your allergies, current treatment or illnesses in order to help the emergency services along.

•   A mobile application (Android, Iphone) where in 2 clicks you can send an alert and report an incident to a professional by attaching a photo or a video.

All Platforms


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  • How do I send an alert ?


    After the download of the ICE GeoAlert application on my smartphone, I send an alert with smartphone by clicking on the red button.
    In 2 clicks I break the glass and press the button.

  • What's a contact?


    The Contact is a person you have chosen to reach out to in case of an emergency or someone who has chosen to alert you if they find themselves in an emergency situation. It is advisable to have multiple Contacts. Your Contacts can be individuals (family, friends) or organizations (private companies, government agencies) that you have previously set up in the ICE program. A person can only alert you if you have previously accepted their request via email or directly on the ICE website.

  • What is geolocation ?


    Geolocation is the identification of the real-world geographic location of someone involving the generation of a set of geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude coordinates). When you trigger an ICE alert, your geographical position is transmitted to your contacts and recorded in the ICE program.

    What is a GeoAlert ?


    It is an alert sent by a smartphone allowing the identification of the person in distress.

  • What is a report ?


    The report makes it easy to immediately inform a professional in charge of the surveillance of a geographic area, by sending a geolocated information : text, photo or video. The report allows him to quickly react and provides more safety. The report does not affect the alerted people you chose.

    How to use it ?


    Use the orange button to send a report.
    In 2 clicks break the glass and press the “Report” button.

  • What information I share if I send an alert ?

    •   Your identity
    •   The date and time of the alert
    •   The type of alert and the precision you may have entered : the ICE device allows you to clarify, if you want to, your emergency (aggression, accident, loss of consciousness, other...)
    •   Geographic coordinates (only if your smartphone has a built-in GPS chip)

  • How notifications work ?

    •   Notification on the phone (text + alert sound)
    •   E-mail
    •   Text message (for Android users)
    One can use all of these at the same time.

  • When to send an alert ?

    In case of emergency when you want to inform your family, friends, or anyone else who could help you, you can use ICE GeoAlert.
    If you are able to, clarify the situation and its details (aggression, accident, loss of consciousness...)
    e.g : you just had a car accident : you send and alert. You are instantly located and your family/friends can immediately get to you.

  • What is the tracking mode ?

    Whenever you go hiking or on a walk in the street and you don't feel safe, the tracking mode allows you to set up the time when ICE should send an alert if you did not stopped the countdown. When the tracking mode is enabled, ICE regularly receive your GPS location and in case of emergency your list of contact will be able to access all your GPS location previously recorded.

  • What information I share if I send a report ?

    •   Your identity
    •   The date and time of the report
    •   The type of report and the precision you may have entered : the ICE device allows you to clarify, if you want to, your report (photo, video, text, other...)
    •   Geographic coordinates (only if your smartphone has a built-in GPS chip)

iphone Slider

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How does it work ?

The ICE GeoAlert application allows you to :

•   Send an alert to your saviors
•   Receive the alerts from your contacts (friends, children, parents...) and immediately locate them
•   Enable the tracking mode so that the saviors you chose can access all your GPS location in case of emergency.
•   Report an incident to a professional by attaching a photo, a video or a text
•   Access your health record or your profile

ICE GeoAlert Pro

Découvrir la version Pro

They talk about us

Users review

ICE GEOALERT , Voici une application à installer sur vos portable , elle est utile et facile d'utilisation pour petits et grands .. Bravo à toute l'équipe Toulousaine


Je viens de decouvrir votre application grace a un reportage sur France 3 et apres l’avoir aussitot telechargee je la trouve tres bien faite : Intuitive, facile et claire. Tant d’applications ridicules et inutiles voyant quotidiennement je jour, il est important de reconnaitre celles dont l’interet est indiscutable. Je ne manquerai pas de vous recommander. Bien a Vous, Xavier Piquot


genial !!!!! bravo




bonjour. je viens de voir votre reportage sur BFM TV et j'ai trouvé votre application absolument fantastique. je me suis empressé de la télécharger sur mon téléphone et je vais diffuser autour de moi. merci beaucoup. Jean-Paul


Vraiment tres bien


Super. Un peu de sécurité pour les sportives. Merci beaucoup.


Bonjour, super application que mon épouse et moi venons de découvrir au travers d’une émission tv. Nous l’avons testée et en sommes très satisfaits, nous cherchions effectivement une telle application depuis quelques temps. Merci pour ce travail et le service rendu. Bien cordialement.


Application mise en place ce jour 11/11/2017 elle me paraît très utile à suivre



Bonjour, Super application bravo à vous ????????



Super application bien pensée


Merci d'avoir réussi ce système d'alerte


Superbe application merci


Bonjour. Bravo pour cette application que j'utilise presque tous les jours. Je randonne dans mon secteur, j'ai 65 ans. Sécurité…
Merci et bravo


Absolument necessaire


J'ai déjà testé votre application sur mon smart phone lorsque je pars en randonnée et cela rassure l'ensemble de mes proches. Bravo à vous et à un de ces jours à Toulouse ou ailleurs. Cordialement


Super application je me sens en sécurité


The Team

Eric CHANSSARDCreator of the app 

The goal was to make a free app for private individuals to send alerts, for everyone and operating in every country.

RaphaëlProgram analyst

Advanced developer on ICE GeoAlert since the beginning. He analyses, designs, programmes for the iOS version, Android or Cloud.


Developer Back-End or Front End, he develops the Android version.


She is in charge of the communication and the commercialisation of ICE GeoAlert Professional

CarcassonneMay 11th

The beginning of ICE GeoAlert : The project launchin seminar with the team of developers


and Benjamin, Adrien, Théo, Merlin, Guillaume, Pierre et Pierre, Alexis, Fabien, Olivier, Romain, Franck, Lisa and Lisa, Mathilde.

A suggestion – a question, contact us


58 bis Chemin du Chapitre,

31100 Toulouse, France

Visit us

09:00–12:30, 14:00–18:00

From Monday to Friday
